• Parent Organizations
Parental support is an important part of providing students a quality education. In the Bedford City Schools, there are a variety of opportunities for parents to become involved. Here are some of the major parent organizations:
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) - This parent organization supports teacher-building-principal educational activities. These include . . .
Educating membership on legislative issues in the area of education
Assisting teachers in seasonal events and student enrichment activities
Providing a home-school communications link.
PTAs are active at every school in the Bedford District. For more information about joining, contact your school's main office. Note: at Bedford High School and Heskett Middle School, students may join the PTA and the organization is referred to as the Parent-Teacher-Student-Association (PTSA).PTA Council - This organization coordinates the activities of all of the school PTAs. The council operates the concession stand at all football home games. Proceeds are used to provide scholarships to graduating seniors.